As an accompanist and performance coach I enjoy helping students to prepare for auditions, aiming to bring out a captivating performance from each student.
Recent 2019 successes include National Children’s Orchestra auditions, high distinctions in accompanied ABRSM exams and 11+ scholarship offers. My style of performance coaching combines an encouraging and supportive approach with a demand for expressive and stylistic detail. Working with young people of all ages in a fun and engaging way allows them to reach for the highest levels of communicative performance.
I enjoy working as an adjudicator in piano and chamber festivals, sharing ideas energetically with performers and audiences. I relish the rewarding challenge of helping every student to discover and deliver their most generous, committed performance and project a meaningful interpretation.
From Sue Stephens, Head of Music, Alexandra Park School:
“THANK YOU THANK YOU! So many parents (and the Head and Deputy Headteacher) came up to me after the piano festival to say what a wonderful event it was. They all commented on how fantastic you were – I think you get the balance just right between praise and ‘positive criticism’ and you deliver advice in such a lovely way that no-one could get offended! As I said, I love the fact it is always about the music and not the notes and many parents commented on that too. One parent asked when you were coming back – when I said hopefully next year, she pleaded we make it sooner!“